Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Dear Scarlet -- 16 months, 3 days

Dear Scarlet,

Oh my, my. Where has time gone? It's been a while since I last wrote to you. You have changed by leaps and bounds over the last few months. On 11/11/11, you started walking! It has been so fun to watch you explore and learn about the world around you now that you can wander on your own.

Your vocabulary is growing every single day. You now say: Baby, light, on, thank you, what is it?, uh oh.... and I'm sure there are more that I am missing. It's adorable to hear you talking. I can't believe you learn so quickly and seem so eager to learn new things each day. Oh, you also know that the kitty says, "meow", and the goat says, "bahhhhhh". The goat sound always comes out as a yell though. We're working on it.

I still can't believe you're going to be a big sister! What a shock that has been. We are slowly adjusting to the idea of having another little mouth to feed and baby to love. We are thrilled beyond belief for this new little sibling for you. I always felt like you got robbed a little by having your twin taken away. I wish I could have changed the situation. However, I still believe he is close to you and always will be. You two have an amazing bond, I'm sure of it!

I'm SO excited to watch you this Christmas. I can't wait for you to see what Santa brings. I know you're going to love Christmas this year. I am also excited for you to show off your new skills to all of our family back in Utah who just don't get to see you that often. We get to leave for Utah in just ONE WEEK!! Daddy and I are so excited to go home.

You also popped out two more teeth. You have been a drooly mess lately because of it. You also don't sleep so great at night because I think your little mouth hurts. Sorry sweetheart!

Well, little twinkle toes, you are such a joy! We just love you to pieces and pieces.

