Saturday, October 25, 2014

Dear Scarlet -- 4 Years

Dear Scarlet,

Another year has come and gone, and my baby girl has turned four years old.  Time is going by WAY too fast.  You have the funnest personality.  You're so sweet, but you also have a lot of sass.  You adore Elliot and most of the time you teach him how to be a good person.  You have been going to preschool for about a year and you love it.  Miss Jeneen is your teacher.  She's been great for you!  Well, we are a little late getting this done.  Oops.  Here we go.

Nicknames:  Sweetie-Sweetie, Twinkle Toes, Scarlie Soo.... The list goes on and on.
How old are you?  Uhm, 5? Is that my number?  I can't call it. I can't call my name which number is it.  It's really..... (She knows how old she is.  Not sure why I got this answer.)
What is your favorite color?  Blue and red and black and yellow.
What is your favorite animal?  Giraffes.  I like giraffes.
What is your favorite book?  Cinderella
What is your favorite TV show?  Spider-Man
What is your favorite movie?  I like Tinkerbell!  I like Spider-Man already.
What is your favorite song?  I Love to See the Temple
What is your favorite food?  My fabrite food is chicken.... and noodles!
What is your favorite drink?  Lemonade
What is your favorite breakfast food?  I like cereal.  I have it for lunch.  Yeah I did.
What is your favorite snack?  Fruit snacks
What is your favorite game?  In the toy room, I like to play with Elliot's trucks
What is your favorite toy?  I like a play with the trucks.
Who is your best friend?  Not Navy. I like....This is a tricky one. Chloe.  She's my best friend.
What do you like to sleep with at night?  My teddy bears.
What do you want to be when you grow up?  My daddy's going to be a doctor like me.
Where do you live?  At California... in this house.  See?  We got the new house.  (Wow!  She still doesn't know we live in Arizona, but yet I know she does.  Silly girl).

Whew.  We got through it. 

Scarlet,  you're like my best friend.  Most of the time you are such a help to me.  You've started helping me around the house with jobs and it fills my heart with joy watching you be so proud when you complete a task.  You're growing up to be quite a little lady.  You definitely adore your dad and want to be just like him.  I hope you always have lofty dreams and know that your dad and I are always here to support you and help you achieve them. 

Love you always,


Friday, August 1, 2014

Dear Scarlet -- 3 years, 11 months, 3 weeks

Dear Scarlet,

The time has come for you to have your fourth birthday.  I cannot believe that I blinked my eyes and four years have come and gone so quickly.  I love watching you grow.  There is not a day that goes by that you don't cease to amaze me.  You're so smart and funny.  You have a personality larger than I can put into words. 

This last year has brought a lot of changes.  We lived in our "Ona" house, as you called it, for about 9 or 10 months.  Your father and I decided it was then time to finally buy our own home and settle down for a while.  It was a long process to find the perfect house for our little family, but we did it!  The best part?  You have loved it! 

You also went to preschool for most of the school year last year (2013-2014).  Miss Jeneen was your teacher.  She's amazing and you adore her.  She has been so integral in your growing and learning.  I have seen your mind comprehend things I had no idea a 3 year old could.  It has been so gratifying for me to watch as you learn and take in the world around you. 

Elliot has become your best friend.  I'm so glad you play with him and that most of the time you are a great big sister.  Only on occasion do we find you fighting with him, and by on occasion, I mean most of the time!  Honestly though, you are an amazing big sis to him.  We are so grateful that God gave us the opportunity to raise you two together. 

Scarlet, there are so many things I want to tell you about the day you were born.  It was one of the most magical and surreal days of my life.  I felt like I had waited a lifetime for that moment of when I would get to see your birth.  Unfortunately your birth was slightly traumatic for all of us involved.  I had to have a C-section because Kingston, your twin, was not doing very well and my body had given up the fight to stay pregnant with you two.  Kingston came out first and was really tiny.  I was so scared for him and the life, or lack of life, he would have.  You came out next, just two minutes later.  You seemed so much bigger than him.  You were so beautiful! 

After you were born, you were taken to the NICU where the doctors and nurses could take care of you.  You were having a hard time breathing on your own, so they had to help you.  It was heartbreaking for me to see what you had to go through, but I knew it was what was best.  They took great care of you. 

While you were in the NICU, I had the opportunity to spend some time with Kingston.  It was almost as if time slowed, and for 73 minutes I got to marvel in the beauty of a perfect little soul.  He was amazing, Scarlet.  Daddy gave him a blessing with Papa and then I got to hold him next to my heart until his little body gave up its fight and his spirit slipped into the arms of Jesus. 

I remember those moments so vividly.  They replay in my mind often.  The feeling of having heaven in my hospital room was like nothing I have ever experienced in this life.  The joy and peace I felt was indescribable.  I could feel the angels among us as they welcomed Kingston back into their presence.  I knew a few of the spirits who were there among them.  I felt who they were.  It was almost as if they spoke to me. 

I want to tell you the stories of the last moments of Kingston's life, but I feel as though they are too sacred for me to write down, so I will tell them to you when you are older and can comprehend them a little better.  Just know that the day you were born was a day I will never forget!  It was one of the best, most bittersweet days of my life. 

Scarlie, you have given me four of the most amazing years I could have asked for.  I love being your mom.  I'm beyond blessed that you are in my life.  You're my little best friend, my beautiful daughter, and Kingston's twin.  I don't want you to ever forget who you are.  Most importantly, you are a daughter of our Heavenly Father.  Always remember that He is watching over you.  He knows your struggles and trials.  He also knows your joys.  Also always remember that you have the most beautiful guardian angel a girl could ask for.  You have Kingston watching over you too.  I can only imagine the bonds that you two formed.  I wish so much I could see you two together, but it was just not meant to be in this life. 

Happy birthday beautiful girl!  I'm so excited to keep watching you grow. 

Love you always and forever,


Dear Scarlet -- From Grandma Carolyn

I had no clue when Ashley and Ryan came to my house and said they had something they wanted to show me in the trunk of their car. They took me out and popped the trunk and there were two of something there. (Sorry I can’t remember exactly what they were). I am always a bit slow to get these pregnancy announcements but it was very exciting and thrilling to find out that they had finally become pregnant and were expecting twins after all of their hard work! It seemed like only a day or so after the excitement that we found out that the little boy, would probably not survive. However, we did have that great news that the little girl seemed to be a healthy baby. Hurrah! I found that I had to turn my thoughts around quickly. I now had to look at the whole picture and try not to mourn the loss of a grandson. Yes, we would lose him but only for a few moments. He will be one of the people waiting in Heaven to greet us. What a great spirit! With that thought in my mind I needed to rejoice and celebrate the granddaughter I would have. She would be the first child of my son Ryan and his wife Ashley. I was so lucky that they lived in my house until they were through school. It gave me the opportunity to get to know Ashley really well. I even got to know my son better—what a bonus! Time passes quickly and it came time to deliver the twins for health reasons. I remembered being called at work to rush over to the hospital for their delivery. As I was driving over I remembered I had asked my son, Ryan what would be the best scenario for him. He did not want Kingston’s suffering to be prolonged but he hoped that he would live long enough to greet and love him. He wanted to be able to give him a blessing and then let him go if Heavenly Father chose so. I was introduced first to Kingston because little Scarlet was getting setup in an incubator. I had the chance to hold him and whisper sweet grandmotherly things in his ear. I told him I was sorry that he wouldn’t be here to participate in my silly piñata parties and such, but that he was too valiant to stay here and be part of my triviality I would catch up to him later and we would have a grand ole time! Ryan gave him a beautiful blessing. The spirit was very heavy in the hospital room. It was heavy with love and heavy with great blessings of two wonderful parents and two wonderful and special little babies. I loved the name Scarlet and she was a beautiful little baby girl all hooked up to wires and such. I remember visiting the hospital a few times to see her. One time I was there when a group of young women were visiting the hospital and they asked to view one of the babies in the special care unit. The nurse called Ashley and asked permission to lift and show Scarlet through the window. The girls were very impressed and excited and Scarlet —well she wasn’t too happy. She squeezed up her face and flailed her legs and arms a bit in the air. Of course she was still hooked up to everything. I didn’t know you could bury a baby on top of another casket so I was excited when I found out that Kingston would have a place above Chad at the Mapleton cemetery. It was a beautiful day to celebrate the short visit we had with Kingston. Ashley and Ryan had a beautiful graveside service planned. Ashley gave me a great blessing that day. She let me read her sentiments and show some pictures about Kingston. I remember being totally impressed with her father’s letter. He played the role of Kingston in a letter from him to his parents and family. PRECIOUS! It put everything in perspective and helped us to remember God’s plan for each one of us. One of my favorite moments was when their friend sang “Over the Rainbow.” I have that song on my IPOD and when it comes on I play it over and over a few times and think of my little grandson in the bank! All of my family was there which reminded me how important it is to have family. I am very proud of my family. I am really proud of Ashley and Ryan and how they have persevered in this world and they have had many great achievements. (Of course, the most important ones at this time would be Kingston, Scarlet, & later Elliot!)

We have had lots a fun together over the last 4 years and I plan on having many more.

Grandma Hone Loves Scarlet! Remember grandma is good for many fun Christmas Piñata parties!

Look forward to a lot more fun Christmas presents!

I enjoyed visiting you in Rancho Cucamonga! Remember our Many walks with Bella and having fun at the playground!

You weren’t sure about riding the train at the shopping center.

But then you were BRAVE! “Hey this isn’t too bad grandma!”

Scarlet, you are a special child of our Heavenly Father. You were accompanied by a great brother and sent to earth to develop and grow. You not only have wonderful parents to help you, but you have a brother watching over you. They are all rooting for you to do your best. Hope you have a happy birthday!

Monday, July 14, 2014

Dear Scarlet -- From Grandma Susan


You and Kingston are turning 4 this year! Wow! The day the two of you were born was such an exciting day.  Little King was having a hard time hanging on but he wanted to make sure you were big enough.  So he tried to be strong and stay inside mom as long as he could. It was time!  First Kingston came out.  He was so precious and had such a strong  spirit.  It was like being  close to heaven to be around him.  I feel so honored to have been with him at the hospital.
 After Kingston was born, I  remember feeling inpatient as we waited for you.  I wanted to hear your little baby cry.  I prayed to  Heavenly Father that you would be ok.  Finally, there it was, a nice strong, tiny cry.  Then they brought you out of the delivery room and into the hall where I was.  You were so teenie tiny but so beautiful.  My heart swelled with thankfulness that you were so  strong and so beautiful.  Kingston had made sure you were big enough to come to earth safely.  .  He had watched over you, like he watches over you still.  Your eyes were full of knowledge as if you understood everything that was happening.  I believe you knew perfectly what was happening  that day.
You were a little fighter.  Even though you were very, very small you were strong and we loved to visit you in the hospital.
We got to see Kingston and hold and kiss him.  He was so tiny that your dad’s ring fit on his arm as a bracelet.  
We got to say goodbye to him before he went back to Heavenly Father.  It was a very sweet time to see him and your mom and dad as they loved him and said goodbye. 
You are such a special girl and you have a twin that loves you very much.  Kingston will always watch over you and your family.  He is your very own super hero.  I wonder what color his cape is.

Scarlet, I  love you so much and am so happy that you were brought to earth to be with our family.
Happy birthday cute little Scarlie Babe.



Dear Scarlet -- From Aunt Kacy

My little Scarlie!!

I can’t believe you will be four!! So big!! I do have to say though, your giant spirit needs your body to do some catching up! You little, sweet, sissy!

I remember the special day you were born with your twin Kingston. It was quite the ordeal, but your determined spirit pulled through so you can prove your worthiness to live with your Heavenly Father again. You were a fighter who overcame the first lesson of opposition. This will always be something to remember.

The day your father blessed you through the Priesthood was very special. I particularly remember the words that Kingston, your twin brother, was there in attendance from Heaven and would be with you throughout your life. That is something I know, he will be your “brotector”. He wants you to succeed in everything!!

As time has passed, I remember in the beginning when you loved “Ba..…ba..Benny and the Jets..” I wondered what you would look like at this age. The more you grow you look both like mommy and daddy. They are wonderful parents and will teach you many things. You are an example to your younger brother Elliot. He looks to you and watches what you do. He loves you!

As you are learning your number and letters work hard and never give up! You can do it!! Being smart means working hard!!

I hope you have a happy Birthday sweetie!! Again, it is a special day to remind you why you are here. You came to this earth for a special reason.

Most importantly you are loved eternally by your Father in Heaven and his son Jesus Christ. You will never be alone. Especially when you pray. Pray to know them.

Anyway, you have much to do in this life Scarlet. You are a sunbeam and must shine to the world each day!! You are so very loved by your Aunt Kacy. My love will never fail you. I will always be here for you.

This is one of my favorite pics of you when you turned 1! Love you Sissy!!
From, Aunt Kacy

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Dear Scarlet -- From Uncle Josh

I remember your birthday well, but before I start talking about your actual birthday I think I need to talk about the time leading up to your birthday. 
On a beautiful July day in 2009, your father and I were hiking in the mountains above Snowbird, Utah in Little Cottonwood Canyon.  He confided in me that he and your mom had been trying for quite some time to become pregnant.  Things weren't going particularly well with the baby making machinery but he didn't know quite why.  There was talk of everything from fertility drugs to adoption: anything to get a baby here! 
Your parents were dedicated to getting you here.  We all celebrated the day we found out that you were inside you mommy's tummy!  And better yet, you weren't alone!  There were two babies.  We were all so excited that you mom was pregnant with twins.  How cool!
A few months into the pregnancy, I got a phone call from your mom.  I remember the day so vividly.  I was walking down State Street in Murray, Utah about to go see some bands play with some friends.  When I answered the phone, your mother was in tears and informed me that your twin was sick.  She explained what the doctors knew and we both sobbed.  It was a terribly sad day.  But you were there, holding your brother in your arms and keeping him safe.  We all knew your were his guardian angel for the rest of the time you spent in the womb.  You did such an amazing job caring for and loving Kingston.  All we could do was wait for your due date.  
The months in between the day we learned that Kingston was sick and the day you were born are all a blur for me.  The time went quickly.  
The day you were born is crystal clear.  It approached with great anticipation.  I recall sitting in my office in South Jordan, Utah waiting for my phone to ring.  When it finally did, your Grandpa Dunn said you were here and you were beautiful.  He said Kinston was there too and if I wanted to meet him I'd have to hurry to the hospital.  I immediately left work and drove as quickly as I could Provo to meet you and Kingston.  I learned on my drive, somewhere around American Fork, that Kingston had passed away.  I wept the remainder of the drive.  Still, I was so excited to meet you.  
When I arrived at the hospital, I didn't get to come meet you immediately.  I had to wait until your mom or dad could come with me since you were in the NICU.  However, I did get to meet and hold your brother Kingston.  His angelic little body was still warm and he was so beautiful.  I had the distinct privilege to be present for his first and only bath.  I watched as your mom and dad gently bathed Kingston and loved him in every way they knew how.  It was such a beautiful time for your family as they celebrated the short life of your brother.  When he was finally dressed he looked like a little elf.  He was perfect.  
A few hours later I got the opportunity to meet you for the first time.  I was so excited and nervous.  I remember washing my hands, wiping off my phone, and sanitizing my hands a hundred times so I wouldn't bring any germs into your little bedside.  There you were, buried in a bundle of cables inside of a little bed with a heat lamp.  I had no idea if I could hold you so I kept reaching in your bed and touching you and holding your precious hand.  You were here and you were a miracle!  I could see the elation on the faces of your mom and dad.  Happiness poured from everyone in your presence.  
You were so little, so quiet and so perfect.  You were beautiful!  You still are beautiful!  
That day, our family became better.  Your birth and the birth and death of your brother brought taught us all so much about love, life and family.  We all became closer and that closeness and love has grown stronger everyday since then.  Your birthday is now one of my favorite days of the year. 
The last thing I want to tell you about that day is that although you weren't able to hold your dear brother and continue to be his guardian angel, he became your guardian angel that day.  He holds you and watches over you daily.  I remember thinking that as I looked down on you laying in your bed tangled in wires and monitors.  He was there with you.
I love you, Scarlet.  Thanks for making my life better.
Uncle Josh

Dear Scarlet -- From Papa

Dear Peanut,

It's time to share with you the reason I call you Peanut. The Virginia peanut always forms with two nuts in the shell. Sometimes one of the peanuts doesn't quite form like the other but they are both there and you know what they are. Your older brother Kingston had a difficult time forming the way he should and succeeded in coming to earth and gaining all of the promises and blessings that an innocent child can. He is a remarkable example to remember and hold close to. You and he are those two peanuts.

You had the challenge of starting life very early and with the help of your Father in heaven and the medical miracles available to you, you jumped into this mortal experience with some great support.

I remember visiting you as often as I could for the weeks that you were being cared for in the hospital and yearning for the time that I could hold you and whisper in your ear just how much I love you. Those weeks were very long for me and when I did hold you, it was like touching heaven.

The determination shown in your eyes was that you were ready for life and it would have to be ready for you. Your personality is one that will make a difference for those who surround you.

May I remind you that you are an official member of the "Adventurers" club and you have an official grape soda bottle cap to prove it. As a member, it is your duty to glean and gain all that you can squeeze out of life. Listen to your mom and dad and follow their council and instructions. Remember that Kingston has already walked through doors we can only prepare for and that your older brother is a guardian angel for your family.

I have told you to be nice to Elliot. Not only because you are his older sister, but also because he is bigger that you, and always will be, and you will open doors for him as time passes. He will always look up to you for your support and love.

Watching you grow up is a great joy to me, just like watching your mother grow up. I love giving you a bad time and playing with you and sharing time with you and seeing you accept and participate in new challenges. You make me smile.

I love you Peanut!

Grandpa Dunn

P.S. Happy Birthday!